Pictures from Ian and Kat's Digital Camera: Random Scenery
Pictures from Ian and Kat's Digital Camera: Random Scenery
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This directory contains pictures of random scenery I've encountered.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 30 Jun, 1999)
- Another deer, a few days later.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 30 Jun, 1999)
- Occasionally, wildlife will wander into the yard behind my apartment in
Berkeley. Here's a deer.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 8 Sep, 1999)
- One night, after a Shabbat At Ian's Place, some guests on their way out
noticed a little bird on the ground that seemed to be in trouble. They
brought it back into my place, and, with a little ingenuity, gave it some
food and water. Pictured here is Diana feeding the bird.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 19 Jul, 1999)
- A view of downtown Montreal, from my hotel room.
[1/256 size] [1/64 size] [1/16 size] [1/4 size] [full size (2048 x 1536)]
Comment on this picture (Last update: 13 Feb, 2002)
- What in the world is this?! I got a picture, but it moved way
too fast to catch... [It turns out it's a House Centipede.
Thanks to all those who helped identify it!]
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This page last updated: 14 Jan, 2008
Ian Goldberg,
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