Ever since August 1998, I've been hosting a Party At Ian's Place about every one to three weeks. See The Party At Ian's Place homepage for more information.
There weren't many pictures taken at this party, probably because a lot of the party was going on in the Dark Room (see below), and we weren't about to bring a flash camera in there.
Jon (Alex) was the photographer for this set.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 30 Jun, 1999)
The Dark Room was quite impressively done; my crack team of engineers,
computer scientists, and a teacher were able to turn my little room
completely dark. Even during the day, with the bedroom door open,
extremely little dark leaks out.
The windows were covered with black poster board, with additional light
blocking so that the windows could be opened (it got really hot in there)
all allow air to circulate, but not light.
The doorway was covered with two layers of black velvet (about 2 feet apart)
to allow people to enter and exit without lightleak.
[1/256 size] [1/64 size] [1/16 size] [1/4 size] [full size (578 x 1029)]
Comment on this picture (Last update: 30 Jun, 1999)
This page last updated: 30 Jun, 1999