Pictures from Ian and Kat's Digital Camera: Squirrel stash in the garage: 4 October, 2009
[Up to Pictures of our new house in Kitchener ]

Here are pictures of our new house in Kitchener, taken at various stages.

We were cleaning out our garage, and discovered that pretty much anything that looked like a container was filled with black walnuts. We know there's a red squirrel that hangs out in our garage, and apparently it's been stashing away food for the winter.
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Comment on this picture (Last update: 4 Oct, 2009)

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Comment on this picture (Last update: 4 Oct, 2009)
Even the lawn ornaments got in on the action.

Up to Pictures of our new house in Kitchener

This page last updated: 4 Oct, 2009

Ian Goldberg,
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